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~2012  First trip to Haiti with Blowers Chapel Youth group, through Children's Lifeline in La Digue Haiti. 

~2013  2nd trip to Haiti through Children's Lifeline.  Tanja Visits with a local widows group and the needs of widows in the village are made abundantly clear.  God starts his tugging and 7:10 Foundation is formed.  Our first goal is to raise the money to build a home for Madam Datilus, a woman from the widows group that changed it all for Tanja. 

~2014 Non-Profit corporation established in Minnesota, Non Profit Status is granted 

~2015 Haitian Director Rodnald is hired and our first official paid employee. Later Assistant director is hired.  3 acres of Land is purchased in La Digue to establish our widowage.  Property is cleaned, fenced, and growing begins.  

~2016  Our first home (build with earth bags) is built on the property for Madam Elissianne. (Eve)  Our very first team 

~2017  Our first Short Term Missions team visits from the states!  2nd home is built on the property. 

~2018  Teams continue to visit, and Kitchen/Depot is built on the property. 

7:10 Foundation has been blessed to help 7 families with housing since our inception in 2013!  One home was purchased, one was built with wood and brick, three are block houses, and two are earth bag houses.



Created for 7:10 Foundation

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